Cara Mencari Rumah Dekat Stasiun dan Pasar Intermoda BSD

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) atau KAI berencana memperluas fungsi dan fisik Stasiun Cisauk serta menjadikannya sebagai kawasan transit oriented development (TOD). Sinarmas Land pun membuka dan menjalin kerja sama dengan KAI guna merealisasikan perluasan Stasiun Cisauk sebagai Kawasan Intermoda BSD City.

Stasiun Cisauk yang dirancang dapat menampung 20.000 penumpang per hari melayani KRL Commuter Line rute perjalanan Jakarta (Stasiun Tanah Abang)–Rangkas Bitung (Stasiun Maja). Bangunan ini berdiri di atas lahan seluas 1.440 meter persegi.

Di lantai dua stasiun dibangun jembatan penghubung di atas udara atau skywalk sepanjang 350 meter. Fungsinya untuk mempermudah penumpang Stasiun Cisauk menuju ke Terminal Shuttle Bus BSD Link dan Pasar Modern Intermoda BSD City.

Kawasan ini juga memiliki terminal bus layang (elevated) yang terletak di lantai dua. Selain itu, gedung stasiun terkoneksi dengan pintu masuk dan keluar Pasar Modern dan Terminal Shuttle Bus BSD Link.

Harga Terus Melambung

Masifnya pengembangan properti di kawasan ini, tentu saja, mengatrol harga jual lahan dan rumah, serta jenis properti lainnya terus melambung.

Cisauk Point, misalnya. Jika pada penawaran perdana 2017 silam harganya sekitar Rp 13 juta per meter persegi, kini sudah menyentuh angka Rp 15 juta hingga Rp 18 juta per meter persegi.

Sementara untuk rumah tapak, saat ini sudah demikian sulit mencari unit ukuran 36/90 persegi dengan harga di bawah Rp 500 juta. Yang ada ukuran lebih kecil, yakni 30/60 meter persegi yang dibanderol Rp 499 jutaan belum termasuk pajak.

Adapun harga pasar lahannya sudah menyentuh angka Rp 10 juta per meter persegi. Semakin mendekati BSD City dan sejumlah fasilitas komersial, akan makin selangit harganya.

When searching for a home near a train station and toll road access, you might want to consider the following extended tips:

  1. Define Your Priorities:
    Recognize what’s crucial for you about living near a station and toll road – is it the daily commute to work, easier travel, or something else?
  2. Research the Area:
    Gain knowledge about the neighborhoods near the stations. Look for communities that have good amenities such as parks, shops, and schools if those are important to you.
  3. Accessibility and Connectivity:
    Assess how well-connected these areas are to other parts of the city. Proximity to the station doesn’t always guarantee overall good connectivity.
  4. Budget Accordingly:
    Properties near stations and toll roads can be more expensive. Know your budget and include potential extra costs, like higher property taxes or toll fees.
  5. Visit at Different Times:
    Visit the area at various times of the day to get a sense of traffic patterns and noise levels. Rush hour by the toll road may be different from a quiet morning.
  6. Check Future Developments:
    Look into any proposed future developments that may affect property values or your quality of life, such as new transportation links or toll road expansions.
  7. Safety Concerns:
    Investigate crime rates and safety concerns in the areas you are considering. This information is often available through local police department websites or community forums.
  8. Local Amenities and Services:
    Ensure that there are sufficient local services like hospitals, dental offices, and repair shops – convenience can significantly enhance your living experience.
  9. Consult with Real Estate Professionals:
    Work with a realtor who specializes in the area. They’ll know the market trends and can help you find a home that meets all your criteria.
  10. Evaluate the Home’s Condition:
    Look beyond location and also evaluate the condition of the homes you’re considering. Check for any issues that might require expensive repairs in the future.
  11. Transportation Costs:
    Account for the cost of public transportation if you plan to use the train regularly. Monthly or yearly passes can differ in price depending on the area.
  12. Noise Levels:
    Homes near train stations can be noisy due to passing trains. Consider sound levels inside the home during your visits and think about soundproofing if needed.
  13. Understand Traffic Patterns:
    If you’re planning to drive as well, it’s important to understand the traffic patterns related to toll road access during peak hours.

Taking a thorough and informed approach to your house hunt can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run, ensuring you end up with a home that’s not just conveniently located but also a comfortable and safe place to live.

Daftar Perumahan di Kawasan Sekitar Stasiun Cisauk

Berikut ini daftar perumahan yang dekat dengan stasiun Cisauk dan Pasar Intermoda yang cocok buat hunian maupun investasi.

  1. Cisauk Point
  2. Serpong Garden Apartment
  3. Perumahan Serpong Garden
  4. Metro Serpong 1
  5. Grahapura
  6. Green BSD Cibogo Permai
  7. Griya Cibogo Lestari
  8. Royal Cibogo
  9. Cibogo Residence
  10. Puri Adi Pratama

Berikut adalah tabel perbandingan harga rumah di kawasan Tangerang, termasuk area sekitar Stasiun Cisauk:

Nama PerumahanLuas Tanah/Rumah (m²)Harga Tahun 2017 (Rp per m²)Harga Terkini (Rp per m²)Kenaikan (%)
Cisauk PointVariabel±13.000.00015.000.000 – 18.000.00015 – 38
Perumahan Lain36/90>500.000.000 (unit total)
Perumahan Lain30/60±499.000.000 (unit total)

Tolong diperhatikan bahwa harga yang disebutkan di atas hanyalah estimasi berdasarkan informasi yang diberikan. Untuk informasi yang lebih akurat dan detail, disarankan untuk berkonsultasi dengan agen real estat profesional.

Daftar Rumah Dijual


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